Does enabling compression on your C:/ drive impact
performance; if so is it a real killer?
performance; if so is it a real killer?
Does enabling compression on your C:/ drive impact
performance; if so is it a real killer?
here's what I learned my self empirically,
compression is NOT always working, in which case it's a waste of CPU versus,
no gain, slower for nothing bascially.
some times it does work but minimally, not a lot of gain.
in some cases it work very well, for instance in text files, or easily
compressible data, in which case here's what I have seen.
in case of frequent access, it may deteriorate performances because of
the CPU time taken to compress/decompress
and in other cases I found compression 'could' actually improve disk
usage immensly and YET improve timing too.
let me describe this 'paradox' of total improvement, if a file can be
compressed, the clusters involved in read-write are also less then normally
needed, therefore in this case it coult be beneficial to use CPU time versus
disk time, because CPU is faster in most cases then disk.