compressed audio with avi file

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I just started messing around with WMM today and have run into a snag with
the audio. I have checked the message board and have not seen this question
yet. If it has been anwered, please let me know where. If not, hopefully
somebody can answer it.

I have been compiling several stills and movie clips from my digital camera.
The video clips are in avi format and play just fine in WMP and any other
media player. Obviously the audio and video quality is lower than a digital
camcorder but it's not bad.

However, when I import the avi files into WMM the audio sounds really
compressed. I have hunted around in the options to see if there is anywhere
to change the bit rate but I can't find anything.

My temporary solution has been opening the avi file in Nero Vision Express 2
and then export the avi file to another DV avi file. Then, when I import the
new avi file into WMM the audio sounds just fine.

I'm okay going through this lengthy process if there is no other solution
but I thought I would throw it out to the message board and see if I could
get any help.

Thanks in advance.
Movie Maker is known to have compatibility problems
with a variety of video and audio formats. Converting
to DV-AVI first is the best solution.

Also note that the AVI file from your digital
camera is not DV-AVI. The file extension .AVI
simply stands for Audio Video Interleave, and
is used for a number of video/audio formats.

For example the AVI files from my Canon digital
camera contain Motion JPEG video and WAVE audio.

Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Media Center Edition
Thanks Bob. That was quick. I did not know that about AVI files. I suppose my
AVI files are the same on my Canon camera. Oh well, I was hoping to save some
time by not having to export everything to DV-AVI. Thanks again.
