Compound Search Criteria Using a Form

  • Thread starter Thread starter joe
  • Start date Start date


Hello Group,

I am attempting to build a search form that incorporates mutliple
table fields (~ 20 values from one table) and some of the fields are
list boxes allowing the user to select multiple values.

I am stuck at getting proper results. First, to get my results I am
using a query that looks at the values on the search form. For each
field in the table I have a search criteria that reads like: "Like *.*
& [Searchform.FieldName] & *.* ". This does not seem to be working
for me. I think the cause of this is related to the questions below.

Since the QBE is looking at every form value and some of the search
forms values are blank (becuase the user does not want to use them in
the criteria) the results of the query are coming up with blanks.

Also, I am unclear on how to pass the values of the list box over.
Perhaps I need a different approach to the search altogether?

Can any one provide some thoughts?
