Jan Bannister
I'm using an XSD DataSet and i've put all the
DataRelations into it. A nunber of my table use composite
(in particular, 2 column keys). This is reflected by the
following Constraint in the xsd:
<xs:unique name="Installation_Constraint1"
<xs:selector xpath=".//mstns:Installation" />
<xs:field xpath="mstns:Company" />
<xs:field xpath="mstns:Name" />
Which has the side effect of requiring both feilds to be
Unique. This is not the case, which is why they are a
composite key.
I can drop the constraint but that damages the data model
and ignoring the error with exceptions is ineffcient as
this will likly mean 10-20 exceptions a second in
standard operation.
Does anyone know an alternate constraint syntax? Or
another (cleaner) way for dealing with this kind of issue?
Thanks in advance
DataRelations into it. A nunber of my table use composite
(in particular, 2 column keys). This is reflected by the
following Constraint in the xsd:
<xs:unique name="Installation_Constraint1"

<xs:selector xpath=".//mstns:Installation" />
<xs:field xpath="mstns:Company" />
<xs:field xpath="mstns:Name" />
Which has the side effect of requiring both feilds to be
Unique. This is not the case, which is why they are a
composite key.
I can drop the constraint but that damages the data model
and ignoring the error with exceptions is ineffcient as
this will likly mean 10-20 exceptions a second in
standard operation.
Does anyone know an alternate constraint syntax? Or
another (cleaner) way for dealing with this kind of issue?
Thanks in advance