Due to problems loaing a piece of hardware I find that all ther comports on
the computer and the correponding available on the hardward are stated as
being used by another application whereas in fact they are all being used by
the same piece of hardware. I have been informed (this group) that when
loading the hardware it took a difference port to the one already allocated
to it.
How can I edit the comport on the computer to remove the application
allegedly allotted to it
How can I renumber the comport on the computer to coincide with the
corresponding comport on the hardware.
the computer and the correponding available on the hardward are stated as
being used by another application whereas in fact they are all being used by
the same piece of hardware. I have been informed (this group) that when
loading the hardware it took a difference port to the one already allocated
to it.
How can I edit the comport on the computer to remove the application
allegedly allotted to it
How can I renumber the comport on the computer to coincide with the
corresponding comport on the hardware.