Comports x

  • Thread starter Thread starter dejotay
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Due to problems loaing a piece of hardware I find that all ther comports on
the computer and the correponding available on the hardward are stated as
being used by another application whereas in fact they are all being used by
the same piece of hardware. I have been informed (this group) that when
loading the hardware it took a difference port to the one already allocated
to it.

How can I edit the comport on the computer to remove the application
allegedly allotted to it
How can I renumber the comport on the computer to coincide with the
corresponding comport on the hardware.
dejotay said:
Due to problems loaing a piece of hardware I find that all ther comports
the computer and the correponding available on the hardward are stated as
being used by another application whereas in fact they are all being used
the same piece of hardware. I have been informed (this group) that when
loading the hardware it took a difference port to the one already
to it.

How can I edit the comport on the computer to remove the application
allegedly allotted to it
How can I renumber the comport on the computer to coincide with the
corresponding comport on the hardware.

This is still the Bayer BP monitor?

The comport that USB adapters create is actually a virtual port, and doesn't
physically exist. Its purpose is to redirect data from the application to
the USB port. So, the port usually doesn't exist unless the device is
plugged in, and the port should vanish when the device is removed (at most
after a reboot following device removal). It should create one port and
use that one regularly.

You can change the comport setting in Device Manager (sorry, I'm on a vista
system at the moment and it has no serial ports, so I'm doing this from
memory). Locate the port, right-click and choose Properties. Look for the
Port settings tab, and choose Advanced. On that sheet, there is a control
that allows you to change the port assignment. Make changes as
appropriate, choose Apply and OK back to the desktop.

Have you tried this on another system? And, have you contacted Bayer
support? It doesn't sound like it's working properly.

Thank you-I guess that you are getting fed up with me so this is the last
time I bother you.
I will try this meter on another computer tomorrow-but like you I now
suspect that the meter is duff.
Bayer do not have a technical department as such-they (the diabetes nurses)
can solve problems ones the meter is loaded but do not know anything else
software parameters and port settings.
Elmo responded and suggested Modem which suggest as you that the
com ports could be changed but I do not understand fully what they mean. For
starters the 'System Properties' screen differs from mine in as much that
under the Hardware tab Add Hardware Wizard is missing and Drivers is
included. |I followed the instructions contained on the web page using
Device Manger instead of add hardware wizard and it all looked the same so I
continued. I clicked on advance then Com 1, clicked the down arrow then
clicked on a port which was shown to be used by another application but
warning about using another port message did not appear. I tried this on all
of the so called occupied ports with the same result which I think means
that the ports are not being used by another application even though it says
they are when trying to configure the meter.
If the meter does porve to be defective I will let you know but in the
meantime if you could ne pore specific as to how I unallocate the ports I
would be obliged otherwise unless you have any other sugestions I will say
thank you, good luck and good bye
I tried load this meter on another computer with the same results the only
difference being that whreas my Bayer cable is loaded on comport 3 on this
computer it is loaded on comport 5 but in both cases it came up with the
error message 'meter not fould on this port'
I have emailed Bayer with the results of my investigations and results of
our conversation and await their reply.

Thank you for you help and interest
