Component output not working?

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Hey all.. Enjoying the beta2 of the 64bit version. Still new, day 3 now..
Have a problem..

Noticed there are widescreen backgrounds, and thought, hey, lemme turn on
the HDTV that's hooked up to this rig and check em out! Low and behold, no
TV option. Downloaded the latest nvidia drivers (have a 7800GTX), think they
are 88.61, rebooted, and now, it won't even boot. (does the loading bar and
once it's done screens both flicker (LCD and the HDTV) once, and just stay
black. Now.. If I turn off the TV, and hardware reset it(switch), Vista
loads right back up like nothing ever happened. According to the nvidia PDF
file, tvouts should be working fine, and I can't seem to find anyone else
with this issue.. Any ideas on what's going on? Thanks for your time,

When you say you "hardware reset it(switch)" does the "it" refer to the TV
or the PC? If the PC then do the TV and the PC have a common ground
connection so there is no possibility of a floating ground between them when
the TV is turned on?
I mean hitting the reset switch on the computer. Other thing I noticed, is
my PC in XP has three outputs. DVI with my LCD on it, a second DVI (unused)
and the component outs. Vista only showing 2 options, and it doesn't really
say "which" they are..

Somehow this got posted multiple times, sorry for that, btw - When I was
clicking submit, it kept saying there was an error and to try later. Seems
they worked after all..

Got a suggestion to try booting up with the TV ONLY (LCD off), so I'll try
that tonight and report back. If anyone else has had this problem, OR, if
you have it working fine, lemme know!
I would not be surprised if your component out does not work with the
generic Vista Nvidia driver. Isn't that part of the Vivo package? I think
you might have to wait for a full featured Nvidia driver for that.
I used to have the HDTV option for my card under XP, but did not notice it
with the 88.61 driver.