I want to develop a component or a control(no UI, just like a timer or
something)... This component will have a thread running from it's
constructor or from a start function until a stop function or the end of the
application. What I want to know is the following : How can I know when the
application stops (in case I forgot to call the stop function) so I can stop
my thread quickly? I'd use dispose, but it can be called whenever the GC
decides to and it's not always at Application end, it could be seconds or
worse, minutes later...
How should I do? Is there a sandard for this kind of behavior?
I want to develop a component or a control(no UI, just like a timer or
something)... This component will have a thread running from it's
constructor or from a start function until a stop function or the end of the
application. What I want to know is the following : How can I know when the
application stops (in case I forgot to call the stop function) so I can stop
my thread quickly? I'd use dispose, but it can be called whenever the GC
decides to and it's not always at Application end, it could be seconds or
worse, minutes later...
How should I do? Is there a sandard for this kind of behavior?