I'm porting a htc tytn application on a htc x7500 (mobile 5). The
difference that makes the application to run badly is the screen. The
x7500 has a vga screen and it seems that it tries to resize
automatically all the components and all the images. The image in a
picturebox is resized if loaded changing the image property compile
time, and it's not resized if I load it runtime from a file. Does
anybody know why?
The code I use to load an image is:
Bitmap b = new Bitmap(imagefile); ;
Image imm = Image.FromHbitmap(b.GetHbitmap());
And how could I avoid the automatical resize of the panels and the
textBox? Is it related to the font size?
I would need to manage explicitly this resize or, better, to avoid it
at all, at least for my application.
Thank you very much for any hint.
I'm porting a htc tytn application on a htc x7500 (mobile 5). The
difference that makes the application to run badly is the screen. The
x7500 has a vga screen and it seems that it tries to resize
automatically all the components and all the images. The image in a
picturebox is resized if loaded changing the image property compile
time, and it's not resized if I load it runtime from a file. Does
anybody know why?
The code I use to load an image is:
Bitmap b = new Bitmap(imagefile); ;
Image imm = Image.FromHbitmap(b.GetHbitmap());
And how could I avoid the automatical resize of the panels and the
textBox? Is it related to the font size?
I would need to manage explicitly this resize or, better, to avoid it
at all, at least for my application.
Thank you very much for any hint.