Hi Jay,
I can't recall the name of the file, but it had the word "template" in it.
I worked all day Sunday to get Enterprise 2007 to load and work properly.
Now, I can't open ANY MS documents (e.g., Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.).
Right now, what I would like to do is find a way to re-install Office97 back
on my PC. I have already uninstalled Enterprise 2007. When I try to
reinstall Office 97, I receive the following window:
Windows Installer
The feature you are trying to use is on a
network resource that is unavailable.
Click OK to try again or enter an alternate path to a
folder containing the installation package
"EnterpriseWW.msi" in the box below.
Use source: <from a drop down menu>
C:\MSOCache\All Users\991120000-0300-0000-0....
Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007
Again, Enterprise 2007 is uninstalled.
I cannot reinstall it because the process of reinstalling will complete
To answer your earlier questions:
Can you give the full name of the file you changed and the folder that
Folder: c:\Documents and Setting
<my name>\Application\Data\Microsoft\Word\Startup
Note: the folder is now empty, after changing the name.
What version of Windows are you using?
Windows XP with s2R/2sr installed.
When you say you can't open any documents, exactly how are you trying
to open them, step by step?
Trying to open them by clicking on the icons on my desktop. Clicking the icons results in the Windows Installer message, typed above, in appearing.
Can you start any of the Office programs, without opening any existing
When you run the Office installer, exactly what happens? What messages
do you see (exact wording, please), in what order?
After trying to load Enterprise 2007 using my 2-day old CD/DVD, the
setup/installation terminates. The error message I received simply states:
Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 encountered an error during setup.
I don't know why. So it seems like I'm in a no-win situation. I can't load
it on my PC and I can't load Office 97 either. Again, I really would like to
remove all pieces of 2007 from PC and re-install Office 97. Can you help?
What other programs are you using with Office (or did you use with
previous Office versions)? (e.g., Adobe Acrobat)
I had installed and reinstalled Adobe Acrobat because I had read that this
might be the cause of the problem. But it did not help me remove an error
messabe about basinterface from appearing. Really, I simply do not want
Enterprise 2007 on my PC anymore. Besides, it takes up too many resources.
I would like to reinstall Office 97.
Also installed in Works Suite 2002, which is how Word 2002 got installed on
my PC. I'd like to remove Works Suite 2002 as well, because that has given
me problems too.
What antivirus package is installed?
Free software called AVAST.