Thanks for the tips.
I have been on the phone with tech support this morning, and this is what
seems to be the problem (they say anyway):
For some reason, the DNS "A" has to be repropagated. According to support,
there are four different types of DNS. One is the www, which everyone uses to
find a web site through their browser. Next, there is the "A" DNS, which
authoring software, such as Frontpage, use to log into the server to publish
files. I think he called it the Authoratative DNS. This DNS is the one that
allows entrance to a server. Without it, Frontpage cannot find the server, or
be allowed to publish to it.
So, they have to repropagate the "A" DNS to the world as he said. The two
other DNS we didn't talk about because it didn't concern me right now.
My question to him was, "how come I can publish to the server from my work
computer and not my home system?". He said because they also provide our ISP
services at work, and their servers are the first to be updated with my new
DNS. My home computer is on a different service, I have to wait for the DNS
to propagate to my ISP's DNS server.
Anyway, that's what's happening up to this point. I learned something new
about servers. I just hope tech support has it all squared away.
My final question to any MVP... Have you ever heard of this happening before?