IE6 has a problem in it,,, NO matter what I do to get it
to run java appletes and there are other websites that
error (having error turned on, appears i am getting write
I have reinstalled IE, or redo whatever it is in the
remove/add process
I have reloaded Java.com stuff,
I have set securities, preferences..
I amd sumpped, I want to completely eliminate and then
reinstall IE6
I do not want to loose my OUTLOOK and files/ directories
messages etc?
IE6 has a problem in it,,, NO matter what I do to get it
to run java appletes and there are other websites that
error (having error turned on, appears i am getting write
I have reinstalled IE, or redo whatever it is in the
remove/add process
I have reloaded Java.com stuff,
I have set securities, preferences..
I amd sumpped, I want to completely eliminate and then
reinstall IE6
I do not want to loose my OUTLOOK and files/ directories
messages etc?