When do you want to start using your new skills?
According to an MS employee post on
www.asp.net/forums yesterday, there will
be a go live license with beta 2, which should be out by the end of the
year. If you feel you have quite a few months before you can use your
skills, then use Visual Web Developer 2005. Realistically the 2.0 Framework
jobs will appear a few months after the release (1Q 2005), so you are
talking about a year before you really can apply your skills. Personally, I
think this is good, as you can get really good at development in a year, but
this may not be the schedule you desire.
If not, Web Matrix is a better option. If you can get a copy of Visual
Studio .NET, it is a better option for the current 1.1 Framework.
Gregory A. Beamer
Think Outside the Box!