Complete C# installation: problems.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andrea Trevisan
  • Start date Start date

Andrea Trevisan

As I am a newcomer to C#,I'm trying tutorial tours included
in Visual Studio Academic english version:they are useful and easy to
understand and unfortunately easy to foret.Tonight I was examining
CollectionClasses sample and I hit string hyperlink to see explanations
about Split method.An installation wizard started requiring me
vs_setup.msi and disks 1,2,3,4 of Visual Studio Academic.
Up to here it could be OK,but then it started asking me files I can't
find in my Server machine,like ildasm.exe.config,eh.h and others
dlls.Initially I re-tried
the sequence,then tried,in a spare disk used only for attempts,to put
files from a dir to another,but I abandoned.
Then I tried to repair Visual Studio Academic installation
with repair tool in disk1,but also this failed,requiring files I don't
have.All this happens in my Server machine where,after installation of
Visual Studio Academic I have
installed: Net.FrameworkSDK,FTP server,SQL server 2000 and
an antivirus.I have never altered manually WinNT,Include or crt/src
dirs:it would be insane.For sure WinNT has been updated by programs as
antivirus I suppose.
Fortunately I have also a Client machine where I have also installed a
copy of Visual Studio Academic.I have just
done again the same wizard procedure:everything's OK and now
I can easily browse all items in C# section of Visual Studio Academic.
I have compared the same dirs of Server machine and Client machine and
indeed they are different,like C:\Programmi\Microsoft Visual Studio
.NET\Vc7\include and
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Vc7\include.
The Server's one lacks files.
I tomorrow will repeat these installations on the Server: Visual Studio
Academic,Net.FrameworkSDK,FTP server,SQL server 2000 and I will look
after some dirs.
I don't know what happened and hope it will be OK.I dont'
desire to deepen compatibilities.
I'll report my results tomorrow evening as I've got also
other things to do.
Here in Italy is midnight.For one time I've left mosquito
nets opened,not worried by mosquitos till I am awake.After
one hour the room has been occupied by butterflies: I've
counted at least 40.Mosquito net is different from Studio.NET.
Mr. Trevisan Andrea
I lost you around the part where you opened the mosquito net Trevisan. I
hope your reinstall fixes your problems.