Hi Jason
i'ld approach it like this - one sheet has student's names only (call sheet
"Student") - create a dynamic range name (called "students" that will grow
if you add students - see
www.contextures.com/tiptech.html - dynamic range
names for instructions on this.)
on another sheet (called "attendances") have a column for students and a
column for dates
on the column for students use data / validation to provide a drop down
lists to choose the students from (data / validation - allow list - in the
source line, press F3 and choose "students" - this assumes that you've
created the range name as detailed above).
Now when the students attend - choose them from the list - in the date
column enter the class date (control & ; to input current date quickly).
Now when you need a list of people who attended a class, in the attendance
sheet, choose data / filter / autofilter - choose a date from the drop down
of the date column and a list of students will be displayed. If you need a
list showing which classes a particular student attended - in the attendance
sheet choose data / filter / autofilter -and from the name column drop down
arrow choose the student and their attendance will be listed.
If you need to know how many classes each student attended, click in the
list in the attendance sheet and choose data / sort - sort by student name &
then date
then choose data / subtotal - on each change in name - count dates
- click on the number 2 that is created to the right of the row numbers (at
the top left of the screen) and there you have it.
Hope this helps