Your original post, however, has absolutely nothing to do with programming
in VB.NET. Rather, it is to do with deploying a MySQL database, and you
would be much more likely to find out what you want to know by posting in
a newsgroup specialising in MySQL.
If i read the original TS question
"Hey guys!!!
I am working on an application that uses a MySQL Database as a back end.
When compiling my application which would be the best way to prepare the
database for deployment on the customer's end?
I am planning on having a single server store de Mysql data and the
application installed on several clients for data handling."
Is in my opinion related to application deployment , i guess the TS`s
mistake was in this question to use the term "compiling " when he actually
meant deploying
So to send you to the in my opinion right track the following :
If you create a installation ( installer ) package for your product ( you
can do this in Visual Studio ) , you have the option to include third party
MSI files there are several MSI packages out there to install MYSQL do a
google on the subject and you wil find numerous examples
These installer packages are most likely time capable of detecting if a
product is already installed or not and can act according to this
so it should be a mather of including the msi in your installer setup
project , and including the database and the installer should install and
setup the database if necesary on the target system or only setup the
database file on the already running Mysql instance
Hope to have given you some valid info
Michel Posseth [MCP]