Compiler Error: '1-dimensional array of System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader'.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ginola
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Hi, I have encountered this error message

Dim ConnStr As String
Dim strPwd as String
ConnStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"
ConnStr &= "Data Source=C:\stock\currentForm.mdb;"
Dim myOleDbConn As New OleDbConnection(ConnStr)
Dim SQL As String = "SELECT LoginName,Pwd FROM Login where
LoginName='" & struser & "'"
Dim myOleDbCmd as New OleDbCommand(SQL, myOleDbConn)
Dim myReader As OleDbDataReader()
myReader = myOleDbCmd.ExecuteReader()

I got a error message
Compiler Error Message: BC30311: Value of type
'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader' cannot be converted to
'1-dimensional array of System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader'.
in this line
myReader = myOleDbCmd.ExecuteReader()
myReader = myOleDbCmd.ExecuteReader

I also search in Google which only has three links related to this.
I also try the same files to two different computer. Same error

I just wonder if anyone has the same problem before?


P.S. The source code and error message are loacted at the bottom of
this email if you are interested.

**************Errror message
Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource
required to service this request. Please review the following specific
error details and modify your source code appropriately.

Compiler Error Message: BC30311: Value of type
'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader' cannot be converted to
'1-dimensional array of System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader'.

Source Error:

Line 21: Dim myOleDbCmd as New OleDbCommand(SQL, myOleDbConn)
Line 22: Dim myReader As OleDbDataReader()
Line 23: myReader = myOleDbCmd.ExecuteReader
Line 24: ' strPwd = myReader.GetString(2)
Line 25: strPwd = "testing"

**************Source Code ********************************************

<%@ Page Language="VB" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb " %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data " %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Security " %>

<script runat="server">

Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
End Sub

Function GetPwd( strUser as string ) as string
Dim ConnStr As String
Dim strPwd as String
ConnStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"
ConnStr &= "Data Source=C:\stock\currentForm.mdb;"
Dim myOleDbConn As New OleDbConnection(ConnStr)
Dim SQL As String = "SELECT LoginName,Pwd FROM Login where
LoginName='" & struser & "'"
Dim myOleDbCmd as New OleDbCommand(SQL, myOleDbConn)
Dim myReader As OleDbDataReader()
myReader = myOleDbCmd.ExecuteReader
' strPwd = myReader.GetString(2)
strPwd = "testing"
GetPwd = strPwd

End Function

Sub Login_Click(Src As Object, E As EventArgs)
'NOTE: The user name and password are stored below for
' the sake of simplicity for our example. In production code,
' these values would be pulled from a database, Active
' Directory, or some other secure location.
If getPwd( username.value ) = password.value Then

FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(Username.Value, _
Message.Text = "Incorrect Username or Password: Try
End If
End Sub
<form runat="server">
<input id="UserName" type="text" runat="server" />
<input id="Password" type="password" runat="server" />
<asp:button id="login" text="Login"
OnClick="Login_Click" runat="server" />
<input type="reset" text="Reset Form" runat="server">
<asp:Label id="Message" ForeColor="red" runat="server" />