I've got a little problem with the following few lines of code (copypasted
from the stopped debugger):
int extra1 = max((int)h->size - sizeof(OggStreamHeader), 0);
0148FA42 mov eax,dword ptr [h]
0148FA45 mov ecx,dword ptr [eax+0Ch]
0148FA48 sub ecx,38h
0148FA4B je COggVideoOutputPin::COggVideoOutputPin+0AEh (148FA5Eh)
0148FA4D mov edx,dword ptr [h]
0148FA50 mov eax,dword ptr [edx+0Ch]
0148FA53 sub eax,38h
0148FA56 mov dword ptr [ebp-198h],eax
0148FA5C jmp COggVideoOutputPin::COggVideoOutputPin+0B8h (148FA68h)
0148FA5E mov dword ptr [ebp-198h],0
0148FA68 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-198h]
0148FA6E mov dword ptr [extra1],ecx
int extra2 = (int)h->size - sizeof(OggStreamHeader);
0148FA71 mov eax,dword ptr [h]
0148FA74 mov ecx,dword ptr [eax+0Ch]
0148FA77 sub ecx,38h
0148FA7A mov dword ptr [extra2],ecx
extra2 = max(extra2, 0);
0148FA7D xor eax,eax
0148FA7F cmp dword ptr [extra2],0
0148FA83 setle al
0148FA86 dec eax
0148FA87 and eax,dword ptr [extra2]
0148FA8A mov dword ptr [extra2],eax
It's very simple to describe, extra1 becomes -4 (wrong), extra2 becomes 0
(correct). Yes, I know the first solution has some overhead, but it is very
easy to code this way because of laziness..., and it can't be a reason for
the compiler to produce wrong code either The question is, why can't we
see any sign of less or equal comparison in the first assembly listing? Only
one "je" is there. (btw, the compiler used a really nice trick in the second
case, considering it was just the debug build
from the stopped debugger):
int extra1 = max((int)h->size - sizeof(OggStreamHeader), 0);
0148FA42 mov eax,dword ptr [h]
0148FA45 mov ecx,dword ptr [eax+0Ch]
0148FA48 sub ecx,38h
0148FA4B je COggVideoOutputPin::COggVideoOutputPin+0AEh (148FA5Eh)
0148FA4D mov edx,dword ptr [h]
0148FA50 mov eax,dword ptr [edx+0Ch]
0148FA53 sub eax,38h
0148FA56 mov dword ptr [ebp-198h],eax
0148FA5C jmp COggVideoOutputPin::COggVideoOutputPin+0B8h (148FA68h)
0148FA5E mov dword ptr [ebp-198h],0
0148FA68 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-198h]
0148FA6E mov dword ptr [extra1],ecx
int extra2 = (int)h->size - sizeof(OggStreamHeader);
0148FA71 mov eax,dword ptr [h]
0148FA74 mov ecx,dword ptr [eax+0Ch]
0148FA77 sub ecx,38h
0148FA7A mov dword ptr [extra2],ecx
extra2 = max(extra2, 0);
0148FA7D xor eax,eax
0148FA7F cmp dword ptr [extra2],0
0148FA83 setle al
0148FA86 dec eax
0148FA87 and eax,dword ptr [extra2]
0148FA8A mov dword ptr [extra2],eax
It's very simple to describe, extra1 becomes -4 (wrong), extra2 becomes 0
(correct). Yes, I know the first solution has some overhead, but it is very
easy to code this way because of laziness..., and it can't be a reason for
the compiler to produce wrong code either The question is, why can't we
see any sign of less or equal comparison in the first assembly listing? Only
one "je" is there. (btw, the compiler used a really nice trick in the second
case, considering it was just the debug build