Compiled executable causes crash on startup




We're having a problem with VB6 on win2k machines where,
generally on a second or subsequent build, the compiled
executable will either crash immediately when run (Illegal
instruction) or will cause an untraceable 'Object variable
or with block not set' error. 95% of the time the first
build after a reboot of the machine is fine.

A colleague who has two machines also has this problem on
one machine. On the machines with which we have a problem
we also have the .Net platform(s) and IDE(s) installed.

Has anyone else experienced this, and do you have a
fantastic solution for me that will cut down on the amount
of time I spend reading the paper while my machine re-




This is a .NET Framework problem how? Does the problem only happen on
machines with .net installed where as it works fine with machines that
do not?
Youshould provide a few more detail.


This is a .NET Framework problem how? Does the problem only happen on
machines with .net installed where as it works fine with machines that
do not?
You should provide a few more detail.


From my original message - 'On the machines with which we
have a problem
we also have the .Net platform(s) and IDE(s) installed.'

That, and the fact that I posted it to this group, really
ought to tell you that we suspect it is somehoe related to
having dotnet installed.

Anyway, let's proceed with your fantastic analysis. Yes
this only happens on machines with .Net installed.
Presumably you were waiting for me to confirm that before
you responded with some helpful information.

Really, I'm usually pretty tolerant of nonsense on
newsgroups, but who do you think you are helping with your
half formed response. You can't possibly believe you are
helping anyone with that sort of response. If you know
something then tell me, even if you have to stretch your
brain and infer some detail. If you have nothing to add,
then keep out of it. It's really pretty simple.

Olaf Baeyens

Neil, I do not see anything wrong in the reply of this guy.
He just asks for more details about the problem because with what you give
us, is almost impossible to tell what is wrong.
And your English language makes it very confusing to understand what you are
trying to explain.

It is the same thing like saying: "My car doesn't start."

So if you want to get help from someone I would advice at least to
coorporate instead of complaining.

So some questions:
* What .NET framework did you install?
* What IDE did you install?
* Does to problem occur on all PC's with .NET installed?
* How did you determin that the .NET framework is causing this?
* What does your program contain?
* Did you write everything yourself? Or are you using a library?
* ...any details you can find that would help.
* On the machines that have the .NET installed, do you have working programs
that uses the .NET?
* Did your program ever work before you installed .NET.
* What type of computer do you use? Memory, harddisk, processor? Maybe you
are running out of memory during compiling.
* Why are the .NET installed on tjose machines? Do you need it?
* If you uninstall .NET does it gets solved?
* Are you using a legal Windows? Did you install critical updates together
with those .NET frameworks????

I don't know much about VB6 but I do not believe that it uses any part of
the .NET so it is probaly some other reason.



I can see your point, and I'm sorry you find my English
confusing. You might consider 'Pilot Error' on that point,
rather than a fault with the plane itself.

My point could have been clearer, but it also applies to
the questions you asked. For example, "What .Net framework
did you install?" If you know of a problem with a
particular .Net framework interacting with VB6, then I
would be very pleased to hear about it. If you don't, then
how will asking that question help?

However, responding to a post when you have nothing to
contribute does have two problems.

1) It makes it look like the problem has been dealt with,
discouraging others who may be able to help from opening
the post and contributing something positive.

2) It wastes the time of those who would also like an
answer but instead find themselves trawling through what
is, in the end, nonsense.

While it is a very nice, liberal attitude to assume that
everyone is trying to help, and I believe you are, I don't
think the other guy was.

So, Olaf, I'll issue a challenge to you. If I were to give
you any more information about any of the questions you
raised, what would you be able to tell me that you
couldn't have told me if you had never asked the question
in the first place?


Olaf Baeyens

My point could have been clearer, but it also applies to
the questions you asked. For example, "What .Net framework
did you install?" If you know of a problem with a
particular .Net framework interacting with VB6, then I
would be very pleased to hear about it. If you don't, then
how will asking that question help?
As far as I know, VB 6 does not use the .NET framework, so it should not
behave differently on a .NET installed machine or a none.NET installed
One exception might be if you use a component in your program that is based
on the .NET framework.
However, responding to a post when you have nothing to
contribute does have two problems.

1) It makes it look like the problem has been dealt with,
discouraging others who may be able to help from opening
the post and contributing something positive.
It does not, people here create random ideas.
One idea can lead to another idea (by another person) that finally solves
your problem.
We are working together here by brainstorming what might cause it.
No one here have a working sollution because everybody here have diferent
areas of expertise.
2) It wastes the time of those who would also like an
answer but instead find themselves trawling through what
is, in the end, nonsense.
Which is exactly what you are doing now, by creating this message.
You do not give new information, so I cannot help you unless you give more
While it is a very nice, liberal attitude to assume that
everyone is trying to help, and I believe you are, I don't
think the other guy was.
Most people do try to help.
But most people read these messages in a 5 minute break between two things
they have to do, so don't expect a read-made sollution for your problem.
Most of us just give quick hints and tips that might help in trouble
shooting the problem.
So, Olaf, I'll issue a challenge to you. If I were to give
you any more information about any of the questions you
raised, what would you be able to tell me that you
couldn't have told me if you had never asked the question
in the first place?
Sorry Neil, I have no time to go into political and philosophical

And I cannot guarantee any solution in your problem even if you give me all
the details.

So my advice is to hire some specialist from Microsoft, if you want to solve
your problem and keep all your secrets in the company. I am losing too much
time in this discussion, so I revert back to my normal job.

I am sorry that you fail to see that in order for people to help you, you
must give all the details that you can think of and that even stupid-looking
replies can lead to a new idea that might solve your problem.

I wish you good luck.


It does not, people here create random ideas.
One idea can lead to another idea (by another person) that finally solves
your problem.
We are working together here by brainstorming what might cause it.
No one here have a working sollution because everybody here have diferent
areas of expertise.

Well I can refute that quite easily. I try to maintain an
equitable balance in news groups - If I ask a question,
I'll try and answer one or two while I'm about it. But I
don't bother opening anything that looks to me like it's
been answered. I think it's fairly safe to assume that any
one of us represents some portion of the news group
participants in the way we work. Don't assume everyone
works the way you do.
Which is exactly what you are doing now, by creating this message.
You do not give new information, so I cannot help you unless you give more

Most people do try to help.
But most people read these messages in a 5 minute break between two things
they have to do, so don't expect a read-made sollution for your problem.
Most of us just give quick hints and tips that might help in trouble
shooting the problem.

Yes I agree - most people do, but that guy wasn't, so he
got a bit of a broadside.
Sorry Neil, I have no time to go into political and philosophical

No time, or no answer? I think you know the truth of what
I am saying. If you have no knowledge of the problem, then
asking spefic questions about IDE versions etc. is a waste
of time. It's not going to make you any more knowledgable
on this topic.
And I cannot guarantee any solution in your problem even if you give me all
the details.

Didn't ask for a guarantee - not even bothered by your
contribution. But the original post was stupid, and not
designed to help.
So my advice is to hire some specialist from Microsoft, if you want to solve
your problem and keep all your secrets in the company. I am losing too much
time in this discussion, so I revert back to my normal job.

I am sorry that you fail to see that in order for people to help you, you
must give all the details that you can think of and that even stupid-looking
replies can lead to a new idea that might solve your problem.

Ridiculous. If the second post had been at all
constructive I would have been happy to provide more info.
As it was I simply asked if anyone had experienced the
problem I described, and got a snotty answer in reply.
I wish you good luck.

You too matey.

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