As far as How Good Mono is....anywhere from Superp to limited depending on
what you want to do. In a nutshell, it's very well suited to layers other
than the presentation layer. I run it on my Linux server and have a lot of
fun using it.
As far as Compile once though............ Yes, it works, provided you 'keep
it real' when programming. Don't think WinAPI calls, registry settings, and
things like ControlChars are going to port real well. Using the
Environment Namespace will do a lot to help you write agnostic code..... ie
Environment.NewLine vs. ControlChars.CrLf and the like. One cool thing I
noticed though is that since config files are XML based, you can store a
buttload of stuff in them and run it everywhere. Also, Mono is still be
worked on but so is the whole Framework. Trust me on this..go ahead and
download and play with it a little. I think you'll dig it.