When I use the following code I receive an error message
that says Compile Error: Statements and labels invalid
between Select Case and first Case. The word QA is
highlighted in yellow after the word Set. What am I
missing or what am I doing incorrectly? Your time is
Private Sub Up1_Click()
Select Case LB1.ListIndex
Dim QA As Worksheet
Dim SourceRows As Variant
Dim DestRows As Variant
Dim I As Long
Set QA = Worksheets("QA" & LB1.ListIndex + 1)
SourceRows = Array(6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16)
DestRows = Array(13, 14, 31, 49, 78, 96, 114)
Range("C5").Value = QA.Range("B4").Value
Range("C6").Value = QA.Range("E4").Value
For I = LBound(SourceRows) To Unbound(SourceRows)
'copy all 12 cells from source row column D
'to destination row column C
Cells(DestRows(I), "C").Resize(1, 12).Value = QA.Cells
(SourceRows(I), "D").Resize(1, 12).Value
Next I
End Sub
that says Compile Error: Statements and labels invalid
between Select Case and first Case. The word QA is
highlighted in yellow after the word Set. What am I
missing or what am I doing incorrectly? Your time is
Private Sub Up1_Click()
Select Case LB1.ListIndex
Dim QA As Worksheet
Dim SourceRows As Variant
Dim DestRows As Variant
Dim I As Long
Set QA = Worksheets("QA" & LB1.ListIndex + 1)
SourceRows = Array(6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16)
DestRows = Array(13, 14, 31, 49, 78, 96, 114)
Range("C5").Value = QA.Range("B4").Value
Range("C6").Value = QA.Range("E4").Value
For I = LBound(SourceRows) To Unbound(SourceRows)
'copy all 12 cells from source row column D
'to destination row column C
Cells(DestRows(I), "C").Resize(1, 12).Value = QA.Cells
(SourceRows(I), "D").Resize(1, 12).Value
Next I
End Sub