I have an application that when a clerk wants to enter in a Work
Ticket they type in the location they are from and it will verify if
the clerk is authorized to enter for said location. There is a table
UserLocation that has an ID (autonumber), user(text), location(text),
This works fine in this application.
I am starting on another application for a sister company. Same basic
system. I copied the functions over in a module. I have the exact same
UserLocation table. From the switchboard the clerk will select 'Enter
in Work Ticket' and an input box will ask for location. The code bombs
on the line:
Set rst = New Recordset ' open a recordset
giving a 'compile error invalid use of New keyword'
I looked in the references of the good application and it has ActiveX
2.6 library and on this new one that bombs it has ActiveX 2.1 library.
When I select ActiveX 2.6 and move it up on priority and deselect
ActiveX 2.1 and then close the references it says something to the
affect 'name conflicts with existing module, project, or object
Here is the code. I am new and someone else wrote the other
application. Didn't know if someone could see what is going on. The
other functions SEEM to be ok, but there again I'm not positive.
Public Function SearchTableByCriteria(strTableName As String,
strCriteria As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_SearchTableByCriteria
Dim dbs As ADODB.Connection, rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String, bolRecordFound As Boolean
Set dbs = CurrentProject.Connection ' open the database
Set rst = New Recordset ' open a recordset ' FAILS HERE
If Len(Trim(strCriteria)) > 2 Then
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [" & strTableName & "] WHERE " &
strSQL = strTableName
End If
rst.Open strSQL, dbs, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If (rst.RecordCount > 0) Then
bolRecordFound = True
bolRecordFound = False
End If
rst.Close: Set rst = Nothing: Set dbs = Nothing ' disconnect the
SearchTableByCriteria = bolRecordFound
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_SearchTableByCriteria
End Function
Ticket they type in the location they are from and it will verify if
the clerk is authorized to enter for said location. There is a table
UserLocation that has an ID (autonumber), user(text), location(text),
This works fine in this application.
I am starting on another application for a sister company. Same basic
system. I copied the functions over in a module. I have the exact same
UserLocation table. From the switchboard the clerk will select 'Enter
in Work Ticket' and an input box will ask for location. The code bombs
on the line:
Set rst = New Recordset ' open a recordset
giving a 'compile error invalid use of New keyword'
I looked in the references of the good application and it has ActiveX
2.6 library and on this new one that bombs it has ActiveX 2.1 library.
When I select ActiveX 2.6 and move it up on priority and deselect
ActiveX 2.1 and then close the references it says something to the
affect 'name conflicts with existing module, project, or object
Here is the code. I am new and someone else wrote the other
application. Didn't know if someone could see what is going on. The
other functions SEEM to be ok, but there again I'm not positive.
Public Function SearchTableByCriteria(strTableName As String,
strCriteria As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_SearchTableByCriteria
Dim dbs As ADODB.Connection, rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String, bolRecordFound As Boolean
Set dbs = CurrentProject.Connection ' open the database
Set rst = New Recordset ' open a recordset ' FAILS HERE
If Len(Trim(strCriteria)) > 2 Then
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM [" & strTableName & "] WHERE " &
strSQL = strTableName
End If
rst.Open strSQL, dbs, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If (rst.RecordCount > 0) Then
bolRecordFound = True
bolRecordFound = False
End If
rst.Close: Set rst = Nothing: Set dbs = Nothing ' disconnect the
SearchTableByCriteria = bolRecordFound
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_SearchTableByCriteria
End Function