Compile Error: Could not copy temporary files to the output directory.

  • Thread starter Thread starter moondaddy
  • Start date Start date


I keep getting the following 2 compile errors. not every time, but often
after running the project, stopping it, editing some thing and then running
it again. Usually i need to reboot VS and sometimes the PC to clear this
issue and run it again - only to repeat the process a few times later.

myTypes is one of the projects in the solution.
You might try stopping the indexing service and try: Run "net stop cisvc"
and run your project

I keep getting the following 2 compile errors. not every time, but often
after running the project, stopping it, editing some thing and then running
it again. Usually i need to reboot VS and sometimes the PC to clear this
issue and run it again - only to repeat the process a few times later.

myTypes is one of the projects in the solution.

In addtion to Shiva's suggestion, I think you may also take a look at the
KB below.
The "could not copy temporary files to the output directory" error is
generated in Visual Studio .NET (311491);EN-US;311491

BUG: "Could not copy temporary files to the output directory" error message
when you build a solution that contains multiple projects (313512);EN-US;313512

FIX: You may receive the ¡°Cannot copy assembly¡± error message when you
try to build a Visual C# .NET solution in Visual Studio .NET 2003 (887818);EN-US;887818

You may try to search the keywords in the KBs."Could+not+copy+tempor

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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