Thanks in advance for any help with this issue. I have written an application in Access 2010 which is for a client. I am using the Runtime 2010 on the clients workstation for this app. I have experienced a couple of problems in trying to run the app in compiled or runtime mode and have tracked the issue to a compiling problem.
In the source code window I use the Compile action under the Debug menu item after coding. The action does not find any errors to fix, but now the Compile option is NOT enabled for any other code compliation I may need to perform.
I noticed that if I decompile the application, runtime will run the app in a decompiled state, but I prefer not to leave my code open.
Any recommendations to address this issue?
In the source code window I use the Compile action under the Debug menu item after coding. The action does not find any errors to fix, but now the Compile option is NOT enabled for any other code compliation I may need to perform.
I noticed that if I decompile the application, runtime will run the app in a decompiled state, but I prefer not to leave my code open.
Any recommendations to address this issue?