Competency Based Interview

Basically you need to find out what the criteria are for each competency they evaluate, and then show evidence during the interview to satisfy each one.
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Look at the job profile and work out what you are good at & what are your weak on. Try to workout what may be asked of you during any given task, however if you do not know what to do dont try to blag it out, admiting you dont know shows you have good descision skills and will not try to carry out a job that you cant do properly & safely and admitting your own faults and can work in your favour.
Yes, and if you don't know something then be confident in your ability to learn it (after all if you couldn't learn easy enough you'd never have got past goo goo & gah gah).
Not knowing something is no big deal if you know that you can learn it. And of course you can, you got this far didn't you? & such confidence shows. Good luck :)
Well stone the flamin' crows, if i havn't gone and passed the telephone interview!! :-) I just got in from the pub and got the email, and im over the moon, so i thought i would tell you all!! WOOHOO!!

The next and last stage is a two day assessment centre. Cant wait!!!!

Elated Bodhi.