compatible remote controls for Vista 32/64bit betas

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I'm currently trialing Vista 32 and 64bit builds 5308/5432 and i am looking
for information for any remote controls that compatible with theses builds.
I'm currently using a Ati RF "Remote Wonder with XP and XP64, and a native
driver is installed for this by Vista but the device is not operational and
the current XP software is not comaptible. I realise that it is still very
early days for this OS but wondering if someone can shed any light?
Thanks in advance.
Have you tried the standard Microsoft MCE remote (like the one from NewEgg
or similar)? You will need to get the one that includes the IR receiver if
you do not have that either.



Derek R. Flickinger
Interactive Homes, Inc.
thanks for the reply. No i have not yet tired an MS MCE remote since i was
trying to avoid the downgrade of going from an RF remote to an line-of-sight
IR due to previous bad experiences due IR devices. However if you or someone
else can confirm that the MS usb-IR MCE remote works with Vista than i will
pick one up. Do the MS MCE remote drivers work in XP64 as well?
Yes, it does. In fact, it is a requirement (although there are third party

exceptions springing up all over).

You can run the ATI remote wonder's software by installing the software for
XP from ATI's website and then copying over MFC71.DLL from the System32
folder of Windows XP into Program Files\ATI Multimedia\RemCtrl

This will ensure ATI's program receives the remote control's commands
through the Vista USB Receiver driver that gets installed automatically.

The remote works great with Vista, especially with Media Center


How did you get the remote wonder software to install in Vista? It keeps
telling me that atirw.dll, x10net.dll, atisserv.dll failed to register.

Peter Miller said:
You can run the ATI remote wonder's software by installing the software for
XP from ATI's website and then copying over MFC71.DLL from the System32
folder of Windows XP into Program Files\ATI Multimedia\RemCtrl

This will ensure ATI's program receives the remote control's commands
through the Vista USB Receiver driver that gets installed automatically.

The remote works great with Vista, especially with Media Center


dazzyp said:
I'm currently trialing Vista 32 and 64bit builds 5308/5432 and i am
for information for any remote controls that compatible with theses
I'm currently using a Ati RF "Remote Wonder with XP and XP64, and a
driver is installed for this by Vista but the device is not operational
the current XP software is not comaptible. I realise that it is still very
early days for this OS but wondering if someone can shed any light?
Thanks in advance.