If the college has PowerPoint 2002 or 2003, the file formats are
compatible/the same, but those later versions have features that are not
available in PowerPoint 97. If you are expected to use the animations or
transitions available in PowerPoint 2002 or 2003, I would recommend that you
only work on the presentation when you are at school. Otherwise, at school
when you open PowerPoint go to Tools > Options > Edit and disable the new
features - - the three items listed at the bottom of the dialog. Then you
can work in both locations.
Note: Don't save your presentation directly to a floppy disk or CD for
transporting between locations. Save the presentation to the hard disk and
then copy it to your removable media. Otherwise you may end up with a
corrupted presentation file.
Sonia, MS PowerPoint MVP Team
Autorun CD software, templates, and tutorials
Lisa said:
Can I work back and forth from two computers using Powerpoint. I am
working on a presentation and am working back and forth between Powerpoint
97 and a the latest version at my college. Are the two compatible?