You are most welcome!
Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User
Be Smart! Protect your PC!
| Carey,
| Thank you very much!
| norg.
| >-----Original Message-----
| >HOW TO: Prepare to Upgrade Windows 98 or
| >Windows Millennium Edition to Windows XP
| >;EN-
| US;316639
| >
| >Before upgrading any existing Windows installation, it
| would be prudent to
| >run the Upgrade Advisor for Windows XP. This tool will
| report what hardware
| >or software may be incompatible with Windows XP. If you
| follow the Upgrade
| >Advisor's recommendations, you should not have any
| problem upgrading to
| >Windows XP.
| >
| >If you fail to utilize the Upgrade Advisor, you may run
| into incompatibility issues.
| >Just inserting the Windows XP Upgrade CD in the CD Drive
| and selecting
| >"upgrade" is not going to give you the desired result.
| You must "prepare and
| >plan" your computer before beginning the upgrade process.
| >
| >Windows XP Upgrade Advisor
| >;en-
| us;307726
| >
| >It is imperative that you have the latest BIOS update
| installed. Visit the support
| >website of the manufacturer of your computer or
| motherboard for instructions
| >on updating your computer's BIOS.
| >
| >Accessing Motherboard BIOS
| >
| >
| >Also, physically disconnect all your peripheral hardware
| devices,
| >especially USB devices (not including your mouse,
| keyboard or
| >monitor). Uninstall any antivirus program, too!
| >
| >--
| >Carey Frisch
| >Microsoft MVP
| >Windows XP - Shell/User
| >
| >Be Smart! Protect your PC!
| >
| >
| >----------------------------------------------------------
| ------------------------
| >
| message:
| > | >
| >| Can one use a Dell 600SCwith Win XP? Are there
| >| compatibility, driver problems? Does any one know,
| Dell
| >| does not say!
| >.
| >