Below is Programming code for get the result( Statusitem) for camparison
item1 between item2( if item1 = item2,means "ok" then "not"). This output
must be fill in status item field(column). This problem is wrong code for get
the result.Any body can help me to correct that code prgramming.
Private Sub GenerateClick()
Dim dbs As Database, rst As Recordset
Dim strSelect As String
Dim IT1 As TextBox, IT2 As TextBox, St As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb
strSelect = "SELECT * FROM P1ENTRY"
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSelect)
IT1 = rst(Item1)
IT2 = rst(Item2)
If (Item1 = Item2) Then
StatusItem = "ok"
StatusItem = "not ok"
End If
End Sub
item1 between item2( if item1 = item2,means "ok" then "not"). This output
must be fill in status item field(column). This problem is wrong code for get
the result.Any body can help me to correct that code prgramming.
Private Sub GenerateClick()
Dim dbs As Database, rst As Recordset
Dim strSelect As String
Dim IT1 As TextBox, IT2 As TextBox, St As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb
strSelect = "SELECT * FROM P1ENTRY"
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset(strSelect)
IT1 = rst(Item1)
IT2 = rst(Item2)
If (Item1 = Item2) Then
StatusItem = "ok"
StatusItem = "not ok"
End If
End Sub