I can't figure out why my Statements:
If Worksheets(Usersheet).Name <> wsSheet.Name Then
If Worksheets(Usersheet).Name = wsSheet.Name Then
don't work.
This code is supposed to highlight the dependents on all
sheets of the selected cell, but it doesn't compare
correctly and it highlights all the cells without regard to
the Sheet the the cell came from. If you can help and
provide explainations of what I did wrong and how I can
improve it, I would be very thankful.
Private Sub btnHighlight_Click()
Dim wsSheet As Worksheet
Dim FirstCol, LastCol, FirstRow, LastRow As Long
Dim rng As Range
Dim MyCell As String
Set Usersheet = ActiveSheet
FirstCol = 1
FirstRow = 1
If txtFormBox.Text <> "" Then
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Cells) > 0 Then
'Search for any entry, by searching backwards
by Rows.
LastRow = Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=[A1],
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
'Search for any entry, by searching backwards
by Columns.
LastCol = Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=[A1],
SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column
End If
For i = FirstCol To LastCol
For j = FirstRow To LastRow
On Error Resume Next
If InStr(Cells(j, i).Formula,
txtFormBox.Text) > 0 Then
If rng Is Nothing Then
Set rng = Cells(j, i)
End If
Set rng = Union(rng, Cells(j, i))
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Set rng = Nothing
MyCell = Selection.Address
If InStr(MyCell, ",") = 0 Then
If InStr(MyCell, ":") > 0 Then
MyCell = Replace(MyCell, "$", "")
MyCell = Mid$(MyCell, 1, InStr(1, MyCell,
":") - 1)
ElseIf InStr(MyCell, ":") = 0 Then
MyCell = Replace(MyCell, "$", "")
End If
On Error Resume Next
For Each wsSheet In Worksheets
If Usersheet.Name <> wsSheet.Name Then
End If
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Cells) > 0 Then
LastRow = Cells.Find(What:="*",
After:=[A1], SearchOrder:=xlByRows,
LastCol = Cells.Find(What:="*",
After:=[A1], SearchOrder:=xlByColumns,
End If
For i = FirstCol To LastCol
For j = FirstRow To LastRow
If Worksheets(Usersheet).Name =
wsSheet.Name Then
If InStr(1,
Replace(Cells(j, i).Formula, "$", ""), MyCell) > 0 Then
If rng Is Nothing Then
Set rng = Cells(j, i)
End If
Set rng = Union(rng,
Cells(j, i))
End If
End If
If Worksheets(Usersheet).Name
<> wsSheet.Name Then
If InStr(1,
Replace(Cells(j, i).Formula, "$", ""), "'" & wsSheet.Name &
"'!" & MyCell) > 0 Then
If rng Is Nothing Then
Set rng = Cells(j, i)
End If
Set rng = Union(rng,
Cells(j, i))
End If
End If
If Usersheet.Name <> wsSheet.Name Then
Reference:=Range(ActiveCell.Address), Scroll:=True
End If
Set rng = Nothing
Next wsSheet
On Error GoTo 0
Set wSheet = Nothing
End If
End If
End Sub
If Worksheets(Usersheet).Name <> wsSheet.Name Then
If Worksheets(Usersheet).Name = wsSheet.Name Then
don't work.
This code is supposed to highlight the dependents on all
sheets of the selected cell, but it doesn't compare
correctly and it highlights all the cells without regard to
the Sheet the the cell came from. If you can help and
provide explainations of what I did wrong and how I can
improve it, I would be very thankful.
Private Sub btnHighlight_Click()
Dim wsSheet As Worksheet
Dim FirstCol, LastCol, FirstRow, LastRow As Long
Dim rng As Range
Dim MyCell As String
Set Usersheet = ActiveSheet
FirstCol = 1
FirstRow = 1
If txtFormBox.Text <> "" Then
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Cells) > 0 Then
'Search for any entry, by searching backwards
by Rows.
LastRow = Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=[A1],
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
'Search for any entry, by searching backwards
by Columns.
LastCol = Cells.Find(What:="*", After:=[A1],
SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Column
End If
For i = FirstCol To LastCol
For j = FirstRow To LastRow
On Error Resume Next
If InStr(Cells(j, i).Formula,
txtFormBox.Text) > 0 Then
If rng Is Nothing Then
Set rng = Cells(j, i)
End If
Set rng = Union(rng, Cells(j, i))
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Set rng = Nothing
MyCell = Selection.Address
If InStr(MyCell, ",") = 0 Then
If InStr(MyCell, ":") > 0 Then
MyCell = Replace(MyCell, "$", "")
MyCell = Mid$(MyCell, 1, InStr(1, MyCell,
":") - 1)
ElseIf InStr(MyCell, ":") = 0 Then
MyCell = Replace(MyCell, "$", "")
End If
On Error Resume Next
For Each wsSheet In Worksheets
If Usersheet.Name <> wsSheet.Name Then
End If
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Cells) > 0 Then
LastRow = Cells.Find(What:="*",
After:=[A1], SearchOrder:=xlByRows,
LastCol = Cells.Find(What:="*",
After:=[A1], SearchOrder:=xlByColumns,
End If
For i = FirstCol To LastCol
For j = FirstRow To LastRow
If Worksheets(Usersheet).Name =
wsSheet.Name Then
If InStr(1,
Replace(Cells(j, i).Formula, "$", ""), MyCell) > 0 Then
If rng Is Nothing Then
Set rng = Cells(j, i)
End If
Set rng = Union(rng,
Cells(j, i))
End If
End If
If Worksheets(Usersheet).Name
<> wsSheet.Name Then
If InStr(1,
Replace(Cells(j, i).Formula, "$", ""), "'" & wsSheet.Name &
"'!" & MyCell) > 0 Then
If rng Is Nothing Then
Set rng = Cells(j, i)
End If
Set rng = Union(rng,
Cells(j, i))
End If
End If
If Usersheet.Name <> wsSheet.Name Then
Reference:=Range(ActiveCell.Address), Scroll:=True
End If
Set rng = Nothing
Next wsSheet
On Error GoTo 0
Set wSheet = Nothing
End If
End If
End Sub