Kasper Larsen
Hi group, first of all I ask for forgiveness if this question should have
been asked in another newsgroup. Please let me know of a more appropriate
place to post such questions, thanks.
I have been looking for a tool to compare two versions of the same database
( sort of a WinDiff for access). I found a Total Access Detective from
www.fmsinc.com but this product does not have a trial version available, so
I have no idea whether it a good buy or not. I would like to know what you
guys do when comparing versions ( homegrown tools, using 3rd party tools )
Kasper Bo Larsen
been asked in another newsgroup. Please let me know of a more appropriate
place to post such questions, thanks.
I have been looking for a tool to compare two versions of the same database
( sort of a WinDiff for access). I found a Total Access Detective from
www.fmsinc.com but this product does not have a trial version available, so
I have no idea whether it a good buy or not. I would like to know what you
guys do when comparing versions ( homegrown tools, using 3rd party tools )
Kasper Bo Larsen