I want to compare two datasets and retireive the differences. Is the an easy
way to do this without trawling through the all records and fields?
The basic problem is this. I get a dataset and copy it. I then load the data
into a web form. The user then makes any changes to the form. when he saves
the form data all the fields are written back to the dataset whether there
have been any changes or not. I then want to compare this saved dataset with
the original one and see if any fields have actually changed. Unfortunately
the GetChanges method fires when you assign a value to a field even if the
new value is identical to the old one.
way to do this without trawling through the all records and fields?
The basic problem is this. I get a dataset and copy it. I then load the data
into a web form. The user then makes any changes to the form. when he saves
the form data all the fields are written back to the dataset whether there
have been any changes or not. I then want to compare this saved dataset with
the original one and see if any fields have actually changed. Unfortunately
the GetChanges method fires when you assign a value to a field even if the
new value is identical to the old one.