Bernie Yaeger
OK, can't get the answer I need, so I'll ask another way:
How can I compare one row to another in sequence? That is,
For Each irow In dsanreport.Tables(0).Rows
I want to compare the second row to the first to see if certain cols have
changed. For example, if the first row is the same 'club' and the second,
has the price of entry (pentry) changed from the first row to the second?
Thanks for any help.
Bernie Yaeger
How can I compare one row to another in sequence? That is,
For Each irow In dsanreport.Tables(0).Rows
I want to compare the second row to the first to see if certain cols have
changed. For example, if the first row is the same 'club' and the second,
has the price of entry (pentry) changed from the first row to the second?
Thanks for any help.
Bernie Yaeger