You don't say how or where you want to do this. I have a function that I
use for just such occassions. It accepts as many parameters as you want to
pass it, and returns the minimum value. If you want to use this in a query,
you will have to save to the function in a code module, you would do
something like:
SELECT [Date1], [Date2], [Date3], fnMin([Date1], [Date2], [Date3]) as MinDate
FROM yourTable
Public Function fnMin(ParamArray ValList() As Variant) As Variant
Dim intLoop As Integer
Dim myVal As Variant
For intLoop = LBound(ValList) To UBound(ValList)
If Not IsNull(ValList(intLoop)) Then
If IsEmpty(myVal) Then
myVal = ValList(intLoop)
ElseIf ValList(intLoop) < myVal Then
myVal = ValList(intLoop)
End If
End If
fnMin = myVal
End Function
This ignores NULL values and returns the minimum value passed to it. It is
easy to modify this for Max value as well.