I have some research data I need to tally and chart. I am looking at a
group of subjects that answered a 7-question test. I want to tally the
responses, and tally the total instances of each one compared to the others
(like how many answered yes to 1, 2, and 3 (or any other combination)). I
know pivot tables can give me 2 variables and how many of each gave an
answer, but I would like to do it for the whole test. Can anyone help me out?
For instance, example questions could be (for simplicity sake):
male or female:
age (0-20, 21-30, 31-50, 50+):
hair color (brown, black, blonde, or red):
favorite color (red, blue, green, or yellow):
I would like to know how many FEMALES, age 21-30, with BROWN hair have 'RED'
as their favorite color?
group of subjects that answered a 7-question test. I want to tally the
responses, and tally the total instances of each one compared to the others
(like how many answered yes to 1, 2, and 3 (or any other combination)). I
know pivot tables can give me 2 variables and how many of each gave an
answer, but I would like to do it for the whole test. Can anyone help me out?
For instance, example questions could be (for simplicity sake):
male or female:
age (0-20, 21-30, 31-50, 50+):
hair color (brown, black, blonde, or red):
favorite color (red, blue, green, or yellow):
I would like to know how many FEMALES, age 21-30, with BROWN hair have 'RED'
as their favorite color?