I have a master Excel worksheet, which has six columns:- C
:E:F:G:H and
there are approximately one thousand rows. On a daily basis I import data
into Column A. of this master worksheet. The data consists of lots of
different 10 digit numbers, so I have a different 10 digit number in each row
of Column A., an example of which follows:-
The amount of rows that I import also varies daily, it can be as low as five
rows of 10 digit numbers imported, or approximately 999 rows of 10 digit
numbers imported.
The rest of the worksheet is as follows:-
Column C has four numbers
Column D has text
Column E has text
Column F. has different 10 digit numbers in every row
Column G has text
Column H has text
What I would like to do, is to compare Column A., to column F. and if any 10
digit number in Column A. is the same as any 10 digit number in column F.
then I would like to highlight that number, in both Column A. and in column
F. with the colour green, so I can see at a glance, what numbers in Column A.
are also in column F.
So to sum up, if I import 20 x 10 digit numbers into column A., and those
20 numbers are in column F. then all 20 numbers in column A. and all 20
matching numbers in column F. would turn green, Either the font or the cell
background, whatever it is easiest., but the colour of the rest of the
unmatched numbers in column F. and column A. would remain unchanged. I have
not had much experience using Excel, and to assist me I have a couple of
library books on the subject, but there is nothing in the books that will
help me with this problem, hence my post here in the hope that somebody could
help me please.

there are approximately one thousand rows. On a daily basis I import data
into Column A. of this master worksheet. The data consists of lots of
different 10 digit numbers, so I have a different 10 digit number in each row
of Column A., an example of which follows:-
The amount of rows that I import also varies daily, it can be as low as five
rows of 10 digit numbers imported, or approximately 999 rows of 10 digit
numbers imported.
The rest of the worksheet is as follows:-
Column C has four numbers
Column D has text
Column E has text
Column F. has different 10 digit numbers in every row
Column G has text
Column H has text
What I would like to do, is to compare Column A., to column F. and if any 10
digit number in Column A. is the same as any 10 digit number in column F.
then I would like to highlight that number, in both Column A. and in column
F. with the colour green, so I can see at a glance, what numbers in Column A.
are also in column F.
So to sum up, if I import 20 x 10 digit numbers into column A., and those
20 numbers are in column F. then all 20 numbers in column A. and all 20
matching numbers in column F. would turn green, Either the font or the cell
background, whatever it is easiest., but the colour of the rest of the
unmatched numbers in column F. and column A. would remain unchanged. I have
not had much experience using Excel, and to assist me I have a couple of
library books on the subject, but there is nothing in the books that will
help me with this problem, hence my post here in the hope that somebody could
help me please.