comparing 2 columns of numbers


Gary Keramidas

what would be the best way to compare 2 columns of numbers?

the master list is downloaded every day. numbers may be added or deleted. i
would need to find just the ones that were added or deleted in the master list.

i wrote a routine that sorts and compares side by side numbers and if it finds
one, it changes the offset to the next row and continues on to the next row.

this seems to work fine for numbers that were added.

i just wondered if there was a better way to filter them out.

For Each cell In ws2.Range("A1:A" & lastrow3)
cell.Value = cell.Value * 1 'in case any are stored as text
cell.Offset(0, 1).Value = cell.Offset(0, 1).Value * 1 'in case any are
stored as text
If cell.Value <> cell.Offset(0 - Cntr, 1).Value Then
Debug.Print cell.Address
Cntr = Cntr + 1
.Range("C" & Cntr) = cell.Value

End If


from a previous post by KeepItCool:

Try following.

It's a general routine that's very fast and convenient
(the input arrays must contain unique ID's.)

Be aware that the returned arrays are 0 based.
ubound = -1 when empty.

Sub DemoMatchCols()
Dim vMatches
vMatches = ArrayMatcher(Range("a:a"), Range("b:b"))

If UBound(vMatches(0)) > -1 Then
Range("d1").Resize(1 + UBound(vMatches(0))) = _
End If
If UBound(vMatches(1)) > -1 Then
Range("e1").Resize(1 + UBound(vMatches(1))) = _
End If
If UBound(vMatches(2)) > -1 Then
Range("f1").Resize(1 + UBound(vMatches(2))) = _
End If
End Sub

Function ArrayMatcher(ByVal List1 As Variant, _
ByVal List2 As Variant, _
Optional bIgnoreCase As Boolean = True)
'compares the values from 2 arrays
'and returns an array of 3 arrays of
'unique items(items left, items both, items right)
'author keepITcool excel.programming aug 9th,2005

'requires a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Dim dic(3) As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim itm, key, res
Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To 3
Set dic(i) = New Dictionary
dic(i).CompareMode = IIf(bIgnoreCase, TextCompare, BinaryCompare)

If Not IsArray(List1) Then Exit Function
If Not IsArray(List2) Then Exit Function
If Not IsArray(List1) Then Exit Function
If Not IsArray(List2) Then Exit Function
If TypeName(List1) = "Range" Then List1 = _
Intersect(List2.Parent.UsedRange, List1).Value
If TypeName(List2) = "Range" Then List2 = _
Intersect(List2.Parent.UsedRange, List2).Value

On Error Resume Next
'loop List1 and add all unique items to dic(3)
'dic(3) will be discarded later
For Each itm In List1
dic(3).Add CStr(itm), itm

'loop List2:
'If found in dic(3) then add to dic(1) else add to dic(2)
For Each itm In List2
If dic(3).Exists(CStr(itm)) Then
dic(1).Add CStr(itm), itm
dic(2).Add CStr(itm), itm
End If

'loop dic(3):
'if not found add to dic(0)
For Each key In dic(3)
If Not dic(2).Exists(key) Then
dic(0).Add key, dic(3)(key)
End If
Set dic(3) = Nothing
dic(2).Remove (vbNullString)
dic(1).Remove (vbNullString)
dic(0).Remove (vbNullString)

ReDim res(2)
res(0) = dic(0).Items
res(1) = dic(1).Items
res(2) = dic(2).Items
ArrayMatcher = res

End Function

Gary Keramidas

thanks tom. i'll give it a try



Tom Ogilvy said:
from a previous post by KeepItCool:

Try following.

It's a general routine that's very fast and convenient
(the input arrays must contain unique ID's.)

Be aware that the returned arrays are 0 based.
ubound = -1 when empty.

Sub DemoMatchCols()
Dim vMatches
vMatches = ArrayMatcher(Range("a:a"), Range("b:b"))

If UBound(vMatches(0)) > -1 Then
Range("d1").Resize(1 + UBound(vMatches(0))) = _
End If
If UBound(vMatches(1)) > -1 Then
Range("e1").Resize(1 + UBound(vMatches(1))) = _
End If
If UBound(vMatches(2)) > -1 Then
Range("f1").Resize(1 + UBound(vMatches(2))) = _
End If
End Sub

Function ArrayMatcher(ByVal List1 As Variant, _
ByVal List2 As Variant, _
Optional bIgnoreCase As Boolean = True)
'compares the values from 2 arrays
'and returns an array of 3 arrays of
'unique items(items left, items both, items right)
'author keepITcool excel.programming aug 9th,2005

'requires a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Dim dic(3) As Scripting.Dictionary
Dim itm, key, res
Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To 3
Set dic(i) = New Dictionary
dic(i).CompareMode = IIf(bIgnoreCase, TextCompare, BinaryCompare)

If Not IsArray(List1) Then Exit Function
If Not IsArray(List2) Then Exit Function
If Not IsArray(List1) Then Exit Function
If Not IsArray(List2) Then Exit Function
If TypeName(List1) = "Range" Then List1 = _
Intersect(List2.Parent.UsedRange, List1).Value
If TypeName(List2) = "Range" Then List2 = _
Intersect(List2.Parent.UsedRange, List2).Value

On Error Resume Next
'loop List1 and add all unique items to dic(3)
'dic(3) will be discarded later
For Each itm In List1
dic(3).Add CStr(itm), itm

'loop List2:
'If found in dic(3) then add to dic(1) else add to dic(2)
For Each itm In List2
If dic(3).Exists(CStr(itm)) Then
dic(1).Add CStr(itm), itm
dic(2).Add CStr(itm), itm
End If

'loop dic(3):
'if not found add to dic(0)
For Each key In dic(3)
If Not dic(2).Exists(key) Then
dic(0).Add key, dic(3)(key)
End If
Set dic(3) = Nothing
dic(2).Remove (vbNullString)
dic(1).Remove (vbNullString)
dic(0).Remove (vbNullString)

ReDim res(2)
res(0) = dic(0).Items
res(1) = dic(1).Items
res(2) = dic(2).Items
ArrayMatcher = res

End Function

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