
  • Thread starter Thread starter rjtaylor
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I think I was not asking the right question on my earlier post

I usually have a cell with a value of
1 or 12* or 7*

However sometime I might have on like this
CE 13:00-22:00

I need to know how to look for this and if encountered then check th
difference between 13:00 and 22:00 to see if it is 8 hours o

thanks in advance
Rod Taylo

'Assumes there is a single hyphen and
'a single space in cell if looking for time value.

'The code looks for a hyphen in cell text and if found
'then looks for the first space. It then converts
'the first 5 characters (after space) to a date and the
'last five characters in the cell to a date and
'subtracts one from the other...

'This code makes too many assumptions for me to be
'comfortable with it, but it will get you started.

Sub FindTheDuration()
Dim lngSpace As Long
Dim strValue As String
Dim dteAmount As Date
Const STR_HYPHEN As String = "-"
Const STR_SPACE As String = " "

strValue = Range("D5").Value

If InStr(1, strValue, STR_HYPHEN, vbTextCompare) > 0 Then

lngSpace = InStr(1, strValue, STR_SPACE, vbTextCompare) + 1
dteAmount = CDate(Right(strValue, 5)) - CDate(Mid(strValue, lngSpace, 5))

MsgBox CDbl(dteAmount) * 24
End If
End Sub

Jim Cone
San Francisco, CA

=IF(LEFT(A5,2)="CE", IF(HOUR(RIGHT(A5,5)-MID(A5,4,5))>=8,"More","Less"),"whatever you do otherwise"


----- rjtaylor > wrote: ----

I think I was not asking the right question on my earlier pos

I usually have a cell with a value of
1 or 12* or 7

However sometime I might have on like thi
CE 13:00-22:0

I need to know how to look for this and if encountered then check th
difference between 13:00 and 22:00 to see if it is 8 hours o

thanks in advanc
Rod Taylo
Thanks Jim That seems to work now I need to get it into my code
I dont understand the

MsgBox CDbl(dteAmount) * 24

So I added this to put the answer back into code

If CDbl(dteAmount) * 24 >= 8 Then
MsgBox ("yes")
MsgBox ("no")
End If

I also might play with the code you gave Tony thank