Compare worksheets

  • Thread starter Thread starter annapuvat
  • Start date Start date


I am looking to compare several workbook (targets) with a master
workbook. Each of the target sheets may only have a subset of rows
from master. In addition targets may have rows that do not appear in
master and need to be discarded.
I am trying to:
1. compare several target files (user to specify target folder
location at runtime) with master.
2. matching between master and target is done on column C (item#)
3. for each target file, write a new target file. The new target file
would have all rows from original target that find a match (item#) in
master. Cells in new target row will be highlighted if different in
value from corresponding cell in master.
4. discard from new target, rows in original target that do not find a
match (item#) in master.
5. insert rows in new target from master that are not found in
original target.
6. At end of process, each of the new target files will have exactly
the same number of rows as master and would have the same items
(item#) as in master. Cell values in other columns will be highlighted
if different from master.

I am very new to VB/VBA and am looking for a quick solution while
taking a crash course.

Thanks in advance . . .