I need to compare two complete datarows. In C# it is a simple matter
of if (datarow1 == datarow2) ....
But, if I try If DataRow1 = Datarow2 then.... I get an error stating
that the "operator '=' is not defined for type system.data.datarow.
Here is the full code:
Dim thisBindingSource As BindingSource = sender
Dim ThisDataRow As DataRow = thisBindingSource.Current.Row
If ThisDataRow = LastDataRow Then
' we need to avoid to write a datarow to the
' database when it is still processed. Otherwise
' we get a problem with the event handling of
'the DataTable.
Throw New ApplicationException("It seems the Position
Changed event was fired twice for the same row")
End If
'track the current row for next
'PositionChanged event
LastDataRow = ThisDataRow
What I am trying to do is trap a double fire of the bindingsource
PositionChanged method. I have the C# code which works fine, but I
need the VB code equivelant.
Any ideas/Help?
I need to compare two complete datarows. In C# it is a simple matter
of if (datarow1 == datarow2) ....
But, if I try If DataRow1 = Datarow2 then.... I get an error stating
that the "operator '=' is not defined for type system.data.datarow.
Here is the full code:
Dim thisBindingSource As BindingSource = sender
Dim ThisDataRow As DataRow = thisBindingSource.Current.Row
If ThisDataRow = LastDataRow Then
' we need to avoid to write a datarow to the
' database when it is still processed. Otherwise
' we get a problem with the event handling of
'the DataTable.
Throw New ApplicationException("It seems the Position
Changed event was fired twice for the same row")
End If
'track the current row for next
'PositionChanged event
LastDataRow = ThisDataRow
What I am trying to do is trap a double fire of the bindingsource
PositionChanged method. I have the C# code which works fine, but I
need the VB code equivelant.
Any ideas/Help?