Compare 2 worksheets

  • Thread starter Thread starter Candida
  • Start date Start date


I have two work sheets that contain bill of material information of about
3000 component items required to build a system. There have been updates to
the bill of material therefore, I need to compare the two worksheets and
create a detailed list of changes or updates from the 3/9 bill of material to
the 3/30 bill of material created. All of the columns headers are the same
are the same for both worksheets, however there may be some added or
subtracted rows or just additional information populated into the columns
that were already in place such as Revision level in row 1 column F may have
went from revision "A" to revision "B" or the qty may be different in Column
H. Can someone help me to compose a formula to compare the two sheets. My
columns are from A thru BI and my row numbers are from 1 to 3000. Please
For an exact check of placement data:
='Sheet 1'!A1 = 'Sheet 2'!A1

Copy down/across to BI3000. Any FALSE indicates a change.

However, since you have some added/deleted rows, you might be better to do a
quick check like:
=ISNUMBER(MATCH(A1,'Sheet 2'!A:A))

Which will check and see if A1 appears anywhere in column A of sheet 2. Hope
this gives you some ideas.