I've just connected a Compaq 5000 TFT monitor to my PC.
The trouble is every now and then the screen gets a very short
interruption when a random pattern of white & pink (red & yellow on
darker backgrounds) horizontal lines appear on the screen. This even
occurs during POST so I guess it's a hardware/compatibility issue.
My card is an nVidia GEForce 5700LX which had no problems on an old CRT
Is the monitor dead or can I do something about it?
Many thanks
The trouble is every now and then the screen gets a very short
interruption when a random pattern of white & pink (red & yellow on
darker backgrounds) horizontal lines appear on the screen. This even
occurs during POST so I guess it's a hardware/compatibility issue.
My card is an nVidia GEForce 5700LX which had no problems on an old CRT
Is the monitor dead or can I do something about it?
Many thanks