compacting ms acess db

  • Thread starter Thread starter michael moore
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michael moore

does anyone know of a compacting tool that can be run from
the command line.

i need to be able to run compacts unattended.

This isn't from the command line but you can put in an
access db and have it launch when the db is opened and use
Windows task scheduler(or something similar) to launch it.
I use it and it lets me compact multiple db's any time I
schedule. I got this from Josh a while back.

Function Compact(stDataFile as String) as Boolean

'This function will backup and compact the mdb file given
by the stDataFile
'Manually backup and test debug it first!

Dim stOutFile as String, stBackUpFile as String

stOutFile = Left$(stDataFile, Len(stDataFile) - 4) & ".CMP"

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.Hourglass True

'Delete Temporary OutputFile if exists
On Error Resume Next
Kill stOutFile
On Error Goto Err_Function

stBackUpFile = Left(stDataFile, Len(stDataFile) - 4) &
On Error Resume Next
Kill stBackUpFile
On Error Goto Err_Function
FileCopy stDataFile, stBackUpFile

DBEngine.CompactDatabase stDataFile, stOutFile,

'Delete Uncompacted Version
Kill stDataFile

'Rename Compacted Version
Name stOutFile As stDataFile

Compact = True

DoCmd.SetWarnings True
DoCmd.Hourglass False
Exit Function

Compact = False
msgbox err.description
Resume Exit_Function
End Function
