Good idea to have a simple one-record "holder" table to store the date
of the last compact.
Many Access applications have a form, like a switchboard/menu form,
which is always open whenever the application is open. If so, the
Unload event of this form is a good place to manage this. Here's an
example of code that you might be able to adapt...
Dim BEPath As String
If DLookup("[LastCompact]","CompactDateHolder") < (Date - 7) Then
BEPath = CurrentDb().TableDefs("OneOfYourTables").Connect
BEPath = Mid(BEPath, 11)
BEPath = Left(BEPath, Len(BEPath) - 9)
If Len(Dir(BEPath & "SR_bu.mdb")) Then
Kill BEPath & "SR_bu.mdb"
End If
If Len(Dir(BEPath & "SR_be.ldb")) Then
'do nothing
DBEngine.CompactDatabase BEPath & "SR_be.mdb", BEPath &
Kill BEPath & "SR_be.mdb"
Name BEPath & "SR_bu.mdb" As BEPath & "SR_be.mdb"
End If
End If
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
Obviously, you would substitute the name of your own data file.
Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP
Amanda said:
Nikos -
I have a similar problem to Dennis. I'm designing a multi-user database for
use in a national corporate environment. Most of it's uses will be in
locations other than where I am - and I'm going to operate on the assumption
that my users don't know the first thing about Access. (thus far they've
been plenty confused by most of the "normal" aspects of Access - like the db
window) This being the case - I want as many things to be automated, or with
limited input from the user - including maintenance things like compacting
the back end. This database has records that are added and deleted on a
daily basis, and the quantity could vary from 1 or 2 up to 40-50 per day.
What I WANT is some way for my front end databases to look at the date -
look at the last time it compacted the back end, and if it's more than x days
difference, carry out the compact procedure. (I don't mind having a table
that tracks compacting - or something like that). I have similar code to
determine if the back end needs to import records from an external source, so
getting the procedure to fire isn't a problem - I just haven't a clue how to
get one database to compact another.