V Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook] Nov 13, 2003 #2 Right click on the root of your Personal Folders (might be called Outlook Today), choose Properties, click Advanced, click Compact Now
Right click on the root of your Personal Folders (might be called Outlook Today), choose Properties, click Advanced, click Compact Now
S slewi Nov 13, 2003 #3 Thanks but looking for a way with no user intervention, all th documentation says there are 2 ways to compact - Automatic and Manual looking to start compaction automatically. Cheer
Thanks but looking for a way with no user intervention, all th documentation says there are 2 ways to compact - Automatic and Manual looking to start compaction automatically. Cheer
T Thomas Wetzel Nov 13, 2003 #4 Hi Slewi, what Outlook version do you use? In Outlook XP and later the compaction starts automatically in idle times.
Hi Slewi, what Outlook version do you use? In Outlook XP and later the compaction starts automatically in idle times.