Is it possible to set Whidbey to target CF 1.1 platform?
Neil Cowburn said:There is no way to make an application compiled aginst .NET CF 2.0 to run
against .NET CF 1.0 without having .NET CF 2.0 on the device. The act of
changing the target framework is known as binding redirection and this is
only available in .NET CF 2.0 (in a basic form).
At the present time, there is no license available to you that will allow
you to distibute .NET CF 2.0 applications.
Neil Cowburn said:Unfortunately, Microsoft has no plans to support .NET CF 1.0 for Pocket PC
or Windows CE in Whidbey
Ginny Caughey said:I'm running both versions of VS on my production machine with no
issues, so I'm pretty sure they'll work side by side for release.
Ginny Caughey said:I'd like to do it all from Whidbey too.
Robert Levy said:I'm not on the VS for Devices team but I know that this was definitely a
painful cut for them.
The good news is that there has been a lot of work on getting a great
extensibility model into Whidbey so it wouldn't be unreasonable for a 3rd
party to create a plugin that gives CF v1 support for Pocket PC if there is
enough demand for it.
To clear things up about what is/isn't supported, I've attached a chart
showing the current plan of record (all subject to change, of coure).
Green = tool connects with platform for full support of deployment,
debugging, etc
Yellow = apps written with tool will run on platform but tool does not
connect to platform for deployment, debugging, etc
White = tool is not supported for writing apps that run on the platform
I know it's a bit difficult to interpret but hopefully this will make things
less rather than more confusing![]()