Compact C# .NET -> How to add TreeView's nodes/items from threads?

  • Thread starter Thread starter EOS
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I am new to PDA development and my background is purely C/C++. Now I can get
the rought ideas on Compact C# .net for PDA development.

But I am having troubles on adding TreeView with nodes and items from
separate thread.

Hope someone can kindly share the lights with me. : )
Look at the TreeView.Invoke() method. It will allow you to run another method
within the UI thread.

This if off the top of my head but:

private void UpdateTree(string nodeName)

private void SomeMethodInAnotherThread()
treeView1.Invoke(UpdateTree, new object[] { "my node name" });

I utilize this myself when using a seperate class that runs in another
thread an raises events by allowing the person to specify a parent control
(which should be your form) when creating the class instance, that way my
OnEvent methods can launch the event in the UI thread without the host form
worrying about multithreading:

public event InstallEnd;
public void OnInstallEnd( InstallEventArgs e )
if ( this.InstallEnd == null )

if ( parent == null )
this.InstallEnd( this, e );
this.parent.Invoke( InstallEnd, new object[] { this, e } );

Thanks for the solution! : )

balmerch said:
Look at the TreeView.Invoke() method. It will allow you to run another
within the UI thread.

This if off the top of my head but:

private void UpdateTree(string nodeName)

private void SomeMethodInAnotherThread()
treeView1.Invoke(UpdateTree, new object[] { "my node name" });

I utilize this myself when using a seperate class that runs in another
thread an raises events by allowing the person to specify a parent control
(which should be your form) when creating the class instance, that way my
OnEvent methods can launch the event in the UI thread without the host
worrying about multithreading:

public event InstallEnd;
public void OnInstallEnd( InstallEventArgs e )
if ( this.InstallEnd == null )

if ( parent == null )
this.InstallEnd( this, e );
this.parent.Invoke( InstallEnd, new object[] { this, e } );


EOS said:

I am new to PDA development and my background is purely C/C++. Now I can
the rought ideas on Compact C# .net for PDA development.

But I am having troubles on adding TreeView with nodes and items from
separate thread.

Hope someone can kindly share the lights with me. : )