comp. crashes

  • Thread starter Thread starter roee
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i got a system crashed of my system, when i tried to load it again it didn't
farther inspection found out that the memory didn't passed the bios
trying to reinstall the system from scratch worked. but after two restarts
it failed again.
is it possible that from a memory malfunction the system will crash?

the comp. is an old laptop so i'm not sure it's worth replacing parts.

Please Real-Full Name!
i got a system crashed of my system, when i tried to load it again it
farther inspection found out that the memory didn't passed the bios

Your Memory is corrupted or wrong Timing or something other
has been set to some useless setting.
trying to reinstall the system from scratch worked. but after two restarts
it failed again.

Be sure that this is some hardware problem!

is it possible that from a memory malfunction the system will crash?

Yes, this is 100% possible!
the comp. is an old laptop so i'm not sure it's worth replacing parts.

If you dont depend on that system,...throw it away and buy a new one!

By the Way: Your Question has NOTHING to do with .NET in common
and thats why nobody gave you a reply here except me...

In future consider using a hardware forum/newsgroup rather
than this .NET NG!

If you want to check your memory without OS then burn this
on a cd and start your laptop with this cd, will run a allover
memory scan on your system to see if the memory is corrupted!


P.S: In future please full Name please!
By the Way: Your Question has NOTHING to do with .NET in common
and thats why nobody gave you a reply here except me...

And frankly, the only reply you should have given was to direct the person

Answering questions like that here only encourages more people to post
questions like that here.

It's bad enough that Microsoft has (apparently) described this newsgroup
in a way that leads people to think it's a general-purpose "solve my
random user problem" newsgroup. We don't need to make matters worse by
actually acting like it is.

And, because I'm replying anyway...

I find it amusing that you're still on your "real name" kick. You might
as well forget about's pointless, and the fact is even a person
who looks like they are posting with a real name might not be. I mean, do I know your name is really "Kerem Gümrükcü". Prove to me
that's who you really are.

IMHO, it's much more important that person use a consistent identity,
rather than worrying about whether there's an easy and accurate mapping
from that identity to their real-world persona.

And frankly, the only reply you should have given was to direct the person

Sure you are absolutely right! But if you could have asked me i would
have helped you too.
Answering questions like that here only encourages more people to post
questions like that here.

I dont think so. It is more obvious that he will ask real speciallists next
on appropriate ng.

It's bad enough that Microsoft has (apparently) described this newsgroup
in a way that leads people to think it's a general-purpose "solve my
random user problem" newsgroup. We don't need to make matters worse by
actually acting like it is.

And again, you are absolutely right, there is no doubt on this! But the guy
maybe didnt know where to ask his question. So i give a answer and a kind
advise to use a dediacted newsgroup or forum for questions like this.
And, because I'm replying anyway...

There is NOTHING wrong on this!

I find it amusing that you're still on your "real name" kick.

Its not a Kick, i come from german NGs and Forums
and it is common to use your real name there and to be frank
i like to know who is at the other end,...thats how i see this.
You might as well forget about's pointless, and the fact is even
a person who looks like they are posting with a real name might not be. I
mean, do I know your name is really "Kerem Gümrükcü". Prove
to me that's who you really are.

Screenshot just for you:

There are a lot of links, resources and code in the www of me.
And i dont see any reason NOT to use my real name, its an
question of attitude! I dont ask you to prove me that you really
are Peter Duniho,...i just believe that it is your (real) name!

IMHO, it's much more important that person use a consistent identity,
rather than worrying about whether there's an easy and accurate mapping
from that identity to their real-world persona.

Peter, i believe you, when you tell me that your name is Peter Duniho.
So why do you use your real name (i asume it is your real name!)


Sure you are absolutely right! But if you could have asked me i would
have helped you too.

But: I wouldn't have asked.
I dont think so. It is more obvious that he will ask real speciallists
next time on appropriate ng.

That person isn't the problem so much as the next person who comes along
and sees that in this newsgroup, completely off-topic questions are
answered. Or even worse, they do a text search for keywords involved in
off-topic questions (like "why doesn't my email work") and find this
newsgroup. The previously-answered questions just encourage more
questions of the same nature.

And don't say that saying in your answer the question is off-topic will
offset the answer itself. Most people don't work that way. If they find
a newsgroup where it appears their question will be answered, they stop
looking for alternatives.
I find it amusing that you're still on your "real name" kick.

Its not a Kick,

Sure it is. What else would you call it? A crusade?
i come from german NGs and Forums
and it is common to use your real name there and to be frank
i like to know who is at the other end,...thats how i see this.

So what?

I obviously don't disagree that using real names is nice. And the
convention is certainly not unique to "german NGs and Forums". But it's a
waste of time to tell others to do so. What you like is irrelevant most
of the time, and usually someone not using a real name made a conscious
decision not to.

Does it bother me that you tell people to use their real names? No, not
at all. I just find it funny, in a sort of "observing individual
personality traits" way, that you spend your time trying.

There's nothing on those web sites that confirm that the person writing
the posts to which I've replied is in fact the person identified by that
particular name.
There are a lot of links, resources and code in the www of me.
And i dont see any reason NOT to use my real name, its an
question of attitude! I dont ask you to prove me that you really
are Peter Duniho,...i just believe that it is your (real) name!

But you believe that because most people posting using what appear to be
real names are in fact doing so. It's the very fact that the convention
is so frequently followed that someone choosing to use a
false-but-apparently-real name could so easily get away with it. Who
would question them? I mean, look at your own reply...I've given you
absolutely no reason to believe that "Peter Duniho" is my real name, and
yet you do believe it implicitly.


You can keep trying to convert folks. I just hope you don't expect it to
change anything. In any case, I guess I should stop now, since not only
did this thread start out off-topic, we've done nothing to help that
situation. :)


the main reason of giving the answer was to help someone
who stuck on some problem. He can use whatever name he
likes to use, it was just a suggestion i dont want to convert anyone
and maybe some day we will meet somewhere and i can prove
you that i am the guy i claim to be. I can send you my phone
number and you can call me if you like,... just to see, sorry "hear"
that i am the guy who wrote this,...:-)

I think its time for EOT,....what do you think about this,...*g*

Have a nice day,...or night. Where do you stay? As said i am
from "Germany",...u'r in the US, Canada,...?


