polly tito
ok, they haven't exactly been forthcoming but I'll post it here anyway...
No further replies so far, most recent first
Summary, give up on them and switch to AVAST!
Thank you for your reply
Whilst I fully appreciate that you would have less concern for users of your
free version than you would for paying customers of other versions, by
making a free version available you have a responsibility to ensure that it
can recieve updates just as efficiently as the paid for versions.
To fail to ensure this means you are placing your 'potential' customers at
risk. Should a user of your free version suffer a virus infection because
your update system failed they will not necessarily express understanding of
your commercial imperatives at the time tey are far more likely to dismiss
your product as sub-standard.
There is already evidence of this in various newsgroups i.e.
alt.com.anti-virus and it will not be long before such denigration is
replicated on the numerous 'support' sites.
Your program only came to my attention i the first place because I was able
to evaluate, long-term, for free. I have installed it on many clients
machines and have succesfully prompted some of them to upgrade. You may or
may not be aware that users of the paid for version are now suffering
similar updating problems.
I am now in the situation of having to advise my many clients that it may be
necessary to switch to an alternative product i.e. one which can be reliably
updated. I cannot see that this can be of any long term benefit to your
Pending a suitable reply from yourselves I will be installing and
recommending AVAST for all my existing and future customers.
In short, if you cannot maintain a free version reliably then you should
withdraw it.
----- Original Message -----
From: "AVG UK Sales" <[email protected]>
To: "address@removed>
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: updating problems
No further replies so far, most recent first
Summary, give up on them and switch to AVAST!
Thank you for your reply
Whilst I fully appreciate that you would have less concern for users of your
free version than you would for paying customers of other versions, by
making a free version available you have a responsibility to ensure that it
can recieve updates just as efficiently as the paid for versions.
To fail to ensure this means you are placing your 'potential' customers at
risk. Should a user of your free version suffer a virus infection because
your update system failed they will not necessarily express understanding of
your commercial imperatives at the time tey are far more likely to dismiss
your product as sub-standard.
There is already evidence of this in various newsgroups i.e.
alt.com.anti-virus and it will not be long before such denigration is
replicated on the numerous 'support' sites.
Your program only came to my attention i the first place because I was able
to evaluate, long-term, for free. I have installed it on many clients
machines and have succesfully prompted some of them to upgrade. You may or
may not be aware that users of the paid for version are now suffering
similar updating problems.
I am now in the situation of having to advise my many clients that it may be
necessary to switch to an alternative product i.e. one which can be reliably
updated. I cannot see that this can be of any long term benefit to your
Pending a suitable reply from yourselves I will be installing and
recommending AVAST for all my existing and future customers.
In short, if you cannot maintain a free version reliably then you should
withdraw it.
----- Original Message -----
From: "AVG UK Sales" <[email protected]>
To: "address@removed>
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2004 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: updating problems