Communicating using CORBA




I need to understand and implement a simple client application which will
connect to a remote computer and call methods on this remote machine.
The remote machine has some enterprise java beans which allow the update of
a database.
To be able to call these functions I've been told to use CORBA.
I have very little knowledge of CORBA but would like find out as much as
possible how I can communicate using CORBA and C# to Java.

Thanks for any help!!


Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


Are you trying to access other .NET objects on the remote machine, or is
it using another technology/platform? Honestly, I think that CORBA is going
to end up dying a quick death, with the advent of web services. Granted,
the model is different (web services are not a distributed object
technology), but it does take care of most of the goop. Setup and
development against that model is also much easier as well.

If you are looking at .NET objects on the other side, you should use
Remoting. It is the .NET way of handling calls to remote objects. You can
also use COM+ to do this as well.

Hope this helps.


I am trying to access some Java objects on the remote machine. The problem I
have is that the remote system has been in place for a while now and is
owned by a different company.

I too believe that CORBA's days are numbered but the implementation still
has to go ahead.

I have some very basic understanding by reading an article on CodeProject
called Accessing an EJB from _NET Using IIOP_NET but this seems to skim over
the C# part whilst going into alot of detail about the Java side.

Any other websites or articles which maybe of help?

Thanks in advance.

Nicholas Paldino said:

Are you trying to access other .NET objects on the remote machine, or
is it using another technology/platform? Honestly, I think that CORBA is
going to end up dying a quick death, with the advent of web services.
Granted, the model is different (web services are not a distributed object
technology), but it does take care of most of the goop. Setup and
development against that model is also much easier as well.

If you are looking at .NET objects on the other side, you should use
Remoting. It is the .NET way of handling calls to remote objects. You
can also use COM+ to do this as well.

Hope this helps.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

WAkthar said:

I need to understand and implement a simple client application which will
connect to a remote computer and call methods on this remote machine.
The remote machine has some enterprise java beans which allow the update
of a database.
To be able to call these functions I've been told to use CORBA.
I have very little knowledge of CORBA but would like find out as much as
possible how I can communicate using CORBA and C# to Java.

Thanks for any help!!


Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


I don't know of many .NET CORBA implementations (or any, for that
matter). Any answer I give you on this will be whatever you probably find
on google.

Honestly, if Java is on the server side, it wouldn't be that hard to get
a web service and some web service wrappers up. It's a MUCH better and
easier development path than CORBA. In the interest of your projects
milestones, I suggest you use that.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

WAkthar said:
I am trying to access some Java objects on the remote machine. The problem
I have is that the remote system has been in place for a while now and is
owned by a different company.

I too believe that CORBA's days are numbered but the implementation still
has to go ahead.

I have some very basic understanding by reading an article on CodeProject
called Accessing an EJB from _NET Using IIOP_NET but this seems to skim
over the C# part whilst going into alot of detail about the Java side.

Any other websites or articles which maybe of help?

Thanks in advance.

Nicholas Paldino said:

Are you trying to access other .NET objects on the remote machine, or
is it using another technology/platform? Honestly, I think that CORBA is
going to end up dying a quick death, with the advent of web services.
Granted, the model is different (web services are not a distributed
object technology), but it does take care of most of the goop. Setup and
development against that model is also much easier as well.

If you are looking at .NET objects on the other side, you should use
Remoting. It is the .NET way of handling calls to remote objects. You
can also use COM+ to do this as well.

Hope this helps.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

WAkthar said:

I need to understand and implement a simple client application which
will connect to a remote computer and call methods on this remote
The remote machine has some enterprise java beans which allow the update
of a database.
To be able to call these functions I've been told to use CORBA.
I have very little knowledge of CORBA but would like find out as much as
possible how I can communicate using CORBA and C# to Java.

Thanks for any help!!


Scott Roberts

WAkthar said:

I need to understand and implement a simple client application which will
connect to a remote computer and call methods on this remote machine.
The remote machine has some enterprise java beans which allow the update of
a database.
To be able to call these functions I've been told to use CORBA.
I have very little knowledge of CORBA but would like find out as much as
possible how I can communicate using CORBA and C# to Java.

Thanks for any help!!


Let me preface this post by saying that my exposure to EJB was a 2 day
seminar and some example projects with JBuilder 4. So not much!

As others have mentioned, CORBA can be quite complex. Even if you get the
CORBA part figured out, it's not the "easy" way to access EJBs on the
server. Depending on the scope of your project, I would investigate writing
some "middleware" in Java to bridge the gap between your C# app and the
EJBs. The Java "middleware" can easily talk to the EJBs then you can use
whatever method you choose (i.e. NOT CORBA) to communicate between your C#
app and the Java "middleware". You might choose web services or simple
TCP/IP pipes, whatever you are comfortable with.

So, you would have the following:

C# app -> TCP/IP -> Java Middleware -> EJB on Server

Just an idea.

William Stacey [MVP]

CORBA...Now that is name I have not heard in many years...
-- Obi-Wan

William Stacey [MVP]

Nicholas Paldino said:

Are you trying to access other .NET objects on the remote machine, or
is it using another technology/platform? Honestly, I think that CORBA is
going to end up dying a quick death, with the advent of web services.
Granted, the model is different (web services are not a distributed object
technology), but it does take care of most of the goop. Setup and
development against that model is also much easier as well.

If you are looking at .NET objects on the other side, you should use
Remoting. It is the .NET way of handling calls to remote objects. You
can also use COM+ to do this as well.

Hope this helps.

- Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]
- (e-mail address removed)

WAkthar said:

I need to understand and implement a simple client application which will
connect to a remote computer and call methods on this remote machine.
The remote machine has some enterprise java beans which allow the update
of a database.
To be able to call these functions I've been told to use CORBA.
I have very little knowledge of CORBA but would like find out as much as
possible how I can communicate using CORBA and C# to Java.

Thanks for any help!!



J-Integra Espresso is exactly what you need! It is a C# ORB that talks
IIOP directly to EJBs. It is the fastest .NET to Java interop
middleware product on the market today and is also many times faster
than Web Services (if speed is an issue for you, Web Services is NOT
the way to go).

For a free evaluation, visit

Shane Sauer
J-Integra Interoperability Solutions
When Web Services are not enough

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