running the folloing code (from helpfiles)
For Each cb In CommandBars("Menu bar")
If cb.name = "Forms" Then
' cb.Protection = msoBarNoChangeDock
' cb.Visible = True
foundflag = True
Debug.Print cb.name
End If
Next cb
If Not foundflag Then
MsgBox "The collection does not contain a Forms command bar."
End If
results in the popup box coming up
How do I look through available menus?
For Each cb In CommandBars("Menu bar")
If cb.name = "Forms" Then
' cb.Protection = msoBarNoChangeDock
' cb.Visible = True
foundflag = True
Debug.Print cb.name
End If
Next cb
If Not foundflag Then
MsgBox "The collection does not contain a Forms command bar."
End If
results in the popup box coming up
How do I look through available menus?